Local Fresh Spring Water
Is Weymouth tap water safe to drink?
As local municipality water purification and piping systems age, the quality of local tap water has suffered greatly. With towns battling everything from excessive manganese levels to PFAs, tap water from many Massachusetts and Rhode Island towns have dozens of contaminants continually found in their tap water supply.
At Rocky Mountain Spring Water, we have spent three generations guaranteeing pure and natural spring water from our local springs that is naturally sodium and fluoride free and without a single additive!
Where Can You Find Safe Drinking Water?
Get safe drinking water at Rocky Mountain's
Weymouth Shaws
Spring Water Refill Locations.

Rocky Mountain Spring Water
The practical, economical choice for people who care about what goes into their bodies.
Our water is tested monthly and all results are submitted to the Massachusetts DEP as well as the Department of Health in both Rhode Island and New York.
Visit any of our 27 spring water refill locations any time – they are open all day, everyday. Then simply fill your own 1,3 or 5 gallon water bottles and bring them home – or to the office!
What is Natural Spring Water?
What is Spring Water?
Spring water is ground water that flows unassisted or by a pump or well to a surface opening. In other words, a spring is a concentrated discharge of ground water to the surface.
How does it work?
Ground water flows through aquifers from certain recharge areas on uplands where it is replenished by rainfall and snow to discharge areas in valleys so that it flows to the surface into streams and rivers.
What makes it different?
The water flowing from this recharge area has energy acquired from the higher elevation of that area. This gravitational energy forces the water to move through the aquifer. Mostly, the energy is used up by the time the ground water becomes a stream. Most of these springs can be classified as the gravitational springs due to the above mentioned reason.
What Makes it "Natural"?
Natural spring water is protected from microorganisms, but companies producing bottled drinking water in most states are required to reveal its source and the treatment system used to the state, and the source of the spring water must be stated on the label of the bottled spring water.
Average Cost Savings
Rocky Mountain - $0.50
Supermarket - $1.59
Rocky Mountain - $2.50
Home Delivery - $14.99
With prices as low as $2.50 to fill a five gallon container (yes...50 cents a gallon at all locations), you will not find a better deal on real spring water anywhere. Why pay 3 times the price for water with an inferior taste