Do you ever think about how your water tastes, and why it might have a different flavor than natural spring water?
Our spring water is born from our natural flowing spring that is protected by over 200 acres of natural open space and carefully monitored for sustainability. We take extraordinary care to ensure the spring water never comes out of contact with food grade distribution and storage surfaces – which is essential for maintaining its crisp, clean taste. Our spring has flowed endlessly for over 200 years and is state certified as public water source in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York State.
Our spring water comes to you directly in our own fleet of sanitary stainless steel tanker trucks, pay attention to what your drinking, many bottled waters are selling purified water not natural spring water and many even simply filter municipal water – which is the same water you have at your home.
From our stainless steel holding tanks at the springs to our fleet of Stainless steel tanker delivery trucks, RMSW makes sure that our customers are being delivered the best tasting spring water. We use no additives, and our water goes through 1 micron sediment filtration at the source along with precautionary ultraviolet, and ozone treatment, to insure the highest standards of quality and safety. Great taste, great price, naturally pure.
To view the results for
our spring, click the
PDF icon above.
For cleaning instructions click the above PDF icon.
"It tastes much better than the tap water in my town and the refill station is very affordable." – Jillian Avery
"It tastes great, is close by and is cost effective." – Patricia Mycroft
"Convenient way to get clean natural spring water for my family at a reasonable price." – Christine Cooper
"By refilling existing jugs, helps environment by reducing waste in our landfills.
I cant understand how people can buy case after case of water bottles."
– Cheryl Mitchel
"I don't have to buy and waste single serve bottles. I know I am drinking clean, safe water." – Jacob R. Flynn